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Showing posts from January, 2021

What are the Challenges to Talent Management?

  According to Randstad (2020), here are some strategic challenges to talent management in Human Resource Management. Higher Demand on Salary and Compensation In current organizations, employees constantly feel tension to provide well for themselves and for their dependents. As such they will feel their salary or compensation is not enough for their responsibilities. Then they will be demotivated. So, they will demand their job positions for higher salaries. To keep them satisfied and productive, employers have to reward them financially ( Randstad, 2020) . Attract Top Talent and Talent Retention Redesign talent management strategies or practices to attract top talent is bit difficult as companies struggle to retain their employees and to make less employee turnover. This number is usually much higher for jobs that require a high level of education or specialized training. Visibly, this means that employee retention is very important for the success of a company. High employee

What makes a good Talent Manager?

According to Insights for Professionals (2019), talent managers should have below skills in order to perform and nurture in their jobs. Creativity Creativity means talent managers should be innovative in A-Z talent management process from selecting to retain employees. As such, they need to be creative rather than relying on traditional methods. Analytical Skills Good talent managers should have analytical skills to analyze wide range of data set at clearance to make strong decisions. Particularly, analyzing people and their behaviors will help them to identify their staff and their interests. From that, they can identify which are performing their tasks well and which areas needs to improve. Networking A good talent manager should be filled with network and contacts. Having professional contacts in skilled people will help them to hire best fitting individuals to their companies. Also, this will help them to identify are candidates really looking for a job or not. Also, ar

What are the Benefits of Talent Management?

  Talent management will support both organizations and to its employees in different ways. They are listed as below. Benefits of talent management for an organization Strategic talent management results in the accomplishment of organizational vision. Filtration of talented employees and retaining of the finest ones is possible. Talent management strengthens the organizational structure by building strong human capital. It helps the organization to succeed over its competitors and establish a strong presence in the market. It builds up a good reputation of the company among the job seekers. It leads to improved participative decision making by the management. It directs continuous improvement in organizational performance making it more efficient and effective. Benefits of talent management for employees Talent management initiates a positive environment in the organization where employees experience job satisfaction. Employees get a chance of learning and improving t

What are Talent Management tools?

  As mentioned in second article, Talent management is a main function of Human Resources Management and it is a continuous process which will attract, onboard, develop, encourage, and retain high-performing people in the organization (Mona Momtazian, 2020). Likewise, employers must understand the Talent Management Process and Tools that they can use in organizations to maximize the productivity. Some tools for talent management are given as below. Workforce Planning This involves a planned strategic objective to access talented people from both inside and outside organization who have the knowledge, skills and performances required to achieve the strains and objectives of the organization. There must be both strategic and operational workforce planning. As such, strategic workforce planning considers about the strategic needs of the organization and its accompanying workforce like projected loss due to employee exits as well as the projected qualification requirements necessary t

What is the Talent Management strategy?

  In a nutshell, talent management strategy is the plot of action to enhance employee execution. This means enhancing presentation in the widely. Talent management is a strategy which needs vigilant implementation, routine assessments and continual improvement. Following are some talent management strategies that employers can use to manage their staff. 1. Detailed job descriptions Detailed job descriptions will make lives easier without confusing both employer and employee. Information such as job title, location, duties and responsibilities, skills looking for, reporting staff, salary, compensation and befits, terms and conditions, job type, etc. With these information candidates can make decisions whether this suits for them or not. Also, employers can save their time without consuming their valuable time for useless interviews. 2. Person-organization fit Employers must find out best people who fits for their organizational culture. Otherwise, that employees will not be happy i

What is the Talent Management Model?

  According to Valamis (2020), there are five elements of Talent Management Model such as; Planning Attracting Developing Retaining Transitioning 1. Planning Planning is the element which supports talent management model in line with the overall goals of an organization. With good planning a company can ensure that they seek for right talents. It helps to identify well performing employees in the company and to find more like that. 2. Attracting In here, Talent Management helps to create more responsibilities for suitable employees in the company without making work stress which leads to demotivation. Correct strategies and approaches will attract suitable employees to the organization. Also, attracting employees means branding the company. So, it is must to create visibility approach among people that the company is a one of best places to work. 3. Developing In this talent management model, developing parts refers to developing talents in the organization. For tha